Captains Corner
Welcome back Battalion!
CAPT Majewski
Midshipmen of the Month
Meredith Frey
Midshipmen Third Class Frey has demonstrated a superior display of leadership during the first month of the semester. Midshipmen Frey has to lead several group sessions at Wagner to help build camaraderie, esprit de corps, and teach fellow midshipmen naval and Marine Corps knowledge. She not only exemplifies but sets the standards expected of a midshipman. Her hard work and dedication have left a favorable impression on those around her and showcase her commitment to the unit.
Jenna Haran
Midshipman Second Class Haran goes above and beyond and member of the Penn State NROTC unit. Midshipman Haran has gone out of her way on multiple occasions to stick up for her squad members. She has taken a position in BRC, has committed her efforts to the unit’s remedial PT program, works as an AE tutor, often volunteering to tutor for classes that are not tutor-required, and makes time to help out in our OBG THON organization. Midshipman Haran exemplifies the Navy’s values of honor, courage, and commitment and is a role model for her peers and lower classmen.
The Old and The New
Senior Service Assignment
On October 6th, 2022, the battalion gathered at Doggie’s Pub for their service Assignment. Weeks prior, the first-class Navy midshipmen submitted their preferences sheet. Midshipmen ranked the warfare communities by their interest in joining them and then sat in anticipation, awaiting their service assignment. Midshipmen have dedicated much of their college experience to this very moment. Whether it was studying for the ASTB, joining clubs and committees, or excelling in their academics, all their efforts were being put forward to their service assignment.
At Doggies, each senior was called up joining Captain Majewski and Commander Kerr. They were then presented with their assignment. The night ended with eleven Naval Aviators, two Information Warfare Officers, seven Surface Warfare Officers, and nine Submarine Warfare Officers. The night followed suit with a celebration. The battalion congratulates all the first-class midshipmen and wishes them the best in their Navy careers. The Penn State NROTC unit is proud of all the seniors and excited to watch them commission this year and eventually become preeminent leaders in their communities.
~ MIDN 4/C Taylor Turley
New Student Orientation
On Monday, August 15th, Penn State NROTC welcomed roughly 30 prospective 4/C MIDN to campus to conduct the Units’ annual New Student Orientation (NSO). NSO is a tool used to introduce them to the unit and instill the discipline needed to be successful in the NROTC program. The MIDN Candidates received classes on military structure, customs and courtesies, program requirements, and many more. While not in the classroom, they were being trained by the upper-class MIDN in areas such as basic drill, physical training, and discipline. The Candidates participated in a campus tour in the form of a run, conducted a swim qualification and workout, and finished off the week by running through our off-campus endurance and obstacle course. The week concluded with a ceremony where the active-duty staff presented the now 4/C MIDN with their rank insignia for the Fall semester, and a battalion barbeque to welcome the new MIDN and their families into the unit.
~ MIDN 1/C Joseph Donofrio
Professional Proceedings
Change of Command Ceremony
On September 1st, 2022, a Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony was held, celebrating CAPT Wayne Wall’s fulfilling career in the submarine community. CAPT Wall assumed duties as Commanding Officer of the Navy ROTC Battalion at Penn State in August 2019. The battalion will always remember to treat everyone with dignity, respect, and professionalism- and to appreciate the sport of pickleball as much as he does.
The ceremony welcomed the battalion’s new Commanding Officer CAPT Mike Majewski, also a Submarine Officer. Both officers used this opportunity to share sea stories and experiences in the fleet. The guest of honor was CAPT Timothy Poe, and he filled the room with laughter and memories of serving with CAPT Wall during his speech.
A Naval tradition was honored by presenting CAPT Wall with a national ensign, passed from service member to service member, until finally given to the Commanding Officer, symbolizing and honoring CAPT Wall’s leadership in the chain of command.
Another testament to Naval customs was carried out as various members around the room stood, reciting lines from the poem “The Watch,” the last line relieving CAPT Wall of the final watch of his career, leaving his command in capable hands
~ MIDN 2/C Julie Claycomb
Day of Caring
On October 6th the Battalion took part in the United Way Day of Caring 2022. The purpose of Day of Caring is to volunteer at specific places that require some form of volunteer help to ensure they can stay well-facilitated throughout the year. This year, the battalion spent its time at the Boalsburg Mansion and the Centre Furnace Mansion. Midshipmen had the opportunity to select a shift throughout their day to assist these attractions. Most midshipmen selected the Boalsburg Mansion for their shift and took turns carrying wheelbarrows of mulch to and from their desired locations. We also assisted the volunteers with clearing the hiking trail at the mansion. Members of the battalion also helped clear the stone walkway that led from the barn to the mansion itself. All in all, the battalion looks forward to events where they can assist the community and help to improve the overall image of the United States Navy.
~ MIDN 2/C Evan Naradko
Feeding Beaver Stadium
Since September 10th, dedicated midshipman have aided the unit in running two concession stands for all home football games. This is an increased duty compared to last year when the unit only had one concession stand. The proceeds from these stands go directly towards unit events and materials. We wanted to thank every midshipman who volunteered their time to help make our unit better.
~ MIDN 1/C Alexander Sanchez | MIDN 2/C Joseph Lock
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Contact us at nrotc@psu.edu or on the contact us page!
Editors: MIDN 1/C Alexander Sanchez | MIDN 2/C Joseph Lock