NROTC Summer Cruise

Developing Midshipmen to become the best officers possible!

Cruise Contact Information

Ms. Jones:

Lt. Ostdiek:

If an emergent issue arises, call Lt. Ostdiek at (402) 863-4313

Aviation Cruise

Aviation cruises offer both a land and sea based cruise for rising 1st class midshipmen interested in becoming a pilot or Naval Flight Officer.


CORTRAMID is designed to give third-class midshipmen a sampling of different career paths that are available to them. The cruise lasts four weeks to allow midshipmen to spend a week with each community—Aviation, Surface, Submarine, and Marines.

Surface Cruise

Surface cruises are the standard cruise for rising 3rd class and 2st class midshipmen who are looking for a surface warfare based job.

Nursing Cruise

Nursing Cruises are the standard cruise for rising  3rd and 1st class Nurse option midshipmen.

Submarine Cruise

Submarine cruises offer an underwater sea based cruise for rising 2nd class and rising 1st class midshipmen interested in becoming a submariner.

Special Cruises

Special cruises offer unique experiences to midshipmen looking to go into a specific field. Special cruises include EOD, SpecWar, Cyber Warfare, and Yard Patrols.

*Current College Programmers who have not completed NSI will need to complete it in place of a Summer Cruise

Cruise Form

Cruise Form

Valid Passport

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Please complete and submit the following documents to Miss Sandoval no later than  Monday, 31 March 2025


MIDN Travel Regulations and Reminders

There has been a growing trend recently with flight change requests. These requests are due to long layovers or personal social plans, etc. You are NOT AUTHORIZED to make any adjustments to your government funded flights.   


In accordance with Summer Cruise 2023 Financial Guidance Document (FORAC), Enclosure (3) line 5:  5. Authorized mode of transportation to/from the TDY location:  

  1. NSTC determines the authorized transportation mode, taking into account mission requirement, time limits, transportation availability, and economic considerations.  
  2. Air transportation is the authorized/designated mode of transportation and the directed, preferred mode of official travel for travel time and per diem calculation purposes. Common carrier is presumed to be one of the most advantageous methods per reference (a). Units in the local area of the training site are authorized to use government auto at no additional cost if available from the unit to the training site. Authorizations using government auto shall refer to the NAVFAC P-300 for distance constraints and include “Mode of transportation is Government Auto.” in the comments to the AO portion of DTS.  
  3. Midshipmen are not entitled to leave and are not authorized to use government airfare for personal convenience. Midshipmen who fail to use government directed transportation for personal reasons must not be reimbursed transportation costs per reference (a).  
  4. Personally procured airline tickets are not authorized and are at the traveler’s own expense. DTS use is mandatory for reservations of official airline tickets from/to duty station (unit) or HOR only. Tickets purchased or adjusted for personal reasons are not reimbursable.  

Additionally, in your summer cruise guidance email from Ms. Jones, it states: “Remember we Do Not reimburse for meals outside of travel days, costs during liberty, late check-out fees, movie rentals in room, phone calls, room service, supplies, etc. Lodging is NOT permitted as a personal reimbursement.  If your flight gets delayed or cancelled and you need to stay over-night you must call LT Ostdiek. You are not authorized to make changes to your flights or cancel them.  Airlines may adjust your flights due to issues with the plane or weather. If you are going to be late to your destination due to unforeseen circumstances with your flights, please let LT Ostdiek know. Transportation from the airport to your summer cruise has been arranged through MEDT.  We are required to let them know of any changes. Don’t worry about a few minutes, we mean hours. “ 

As a civilian, you were accustomed to having several flight options, which you could purchase based on your need. While you are on orders you are an active military member. The government will not base their flight options around your personal preference.   


We track all travel for each member of the unit and are notified of any changes. If there is a change and the unit is not informed, and you are injured, we will not be able to track your location or inform family of the situation.   


Deviating from this directive and military orders will result in corrective action from the unit.   


Please contact Miss Sandoval if you have any questions or concerns